Day 308


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

We can become focused on negative things happening in our lives, but there is always something for which to rejoice and be thankful. How better to keep a constant connection with God, than praying continually? It is easy to give thanks to God when life is going well, but what about when it isn’t? When circumstances are difficult, can we learn to acknowledge our weaknesses and lean on God for strength? God desires to have a close relationship with us.

Prayer: Lord, help us remember that You are with us in good and in difficult times. Help us focus on the many reasons we can be thankful, regardless of our current circumstances. We praise and thank You for Your constant love and companionship.

Petition: For those living on the streets of our city to be protected, encouraged and that they feel God’s love for them. For us to be aware of the sacred opportunities we have to serve them in Jesus’ name.