Day 307


Courage and Fear Not.. He will save you.

– Psalm 35:3-4

People are exhausted these trying days. Our friends in Myanmar must always be on guard against military aggression. Our Methodist conference leaders are laboring over the divide between us. Others of us feel feeble due to illness, age, or fatigue. And yet, the psalmist admonishes us to encourage those who are tired and weary; to tell others to be courageous and not to live in fear. Even though we feel exhausted and feeble ourselves, we are still called to a ministry of encouragement. Why? Because God is the one who saves us.

Prayer: Lord, You know our weaknesses and yet You call us to a ministry of encouragement. Where people are exhausted, let us lift them up and help bear their burdens. May we help the feeble who desire to be strong, and may we encourage all those You bring into our paths.

Petition: Bless our church and enable it to be centers of encouragement and strength. Keep our ministry in Myanmar safe from harm. Hide them from evil. Give wisdom and unity to our fellow United Methodists to enable your message of salvation to reach our city, state, and world.