
Sunday Worship Title
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This Week’s Announcements

Golf Cart Drivers Volunteers
Sunday School for Parents
Abundantly More Pledge Card
Thanksgiving In A Bag
Lifeline Halloween Candy
Volunteers Needed - Service Slide
Downtown Campus Sunday School - Service Slide UPDATED
Pastors' Tuesday Study
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Honduras Mission Trip 2024 - service slide
First Sunday Fellowship - service slide
Neighbors In Action Volunteer
Stephen Ministry
Media Volunteers
Pickleball Open Play - Service Slide
Golf Cart Drivers Volunteers
Sunday School for Parents
Lifeline Accepting Donations - Live Service Slide
Altar Flowers
Food Pantry - Live Service Slide
Quillian Volunteers Needed - Service Slide
Turkey And Greece - Service Slide
Quillian Kids Night Out
Youth Basketball League
Volunteer Basketball Coaches-service slide
Join The Choir
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Abundantly More Pledge Card
Thanksgiving In A Bag
Lifeline Halloween Candy
Volunteers Needed - Service Slide
Downtown Campus Sunday School - Service Slide UPDATED
Pastors' Tuesday Study
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Honduras Mission Trip 2024 - service slide
First Sunday Fellowship - service slide
Neighbors In Action Volunteer
Stephen Ministry
Media Volunteers
Pickleball Open Play - Service Slide
Golf Cart Drivers Volunteers
Sunday School for Parents
Lifeline Accepting Donations - Live Service Slide
Altar Flowers
Food Pantry - Live Service Slide
Quillian Volunteers Needed - Service Slide
Turkey And Greece - Service Slide
Quillian Kids Night Out
Youth Basketball League
Volunteer Basketball Coaches-service slide
Join The Choir
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Learn all about the Sunday page. The Sunday page is where you can find all the resources for Sunday worship on one page. You can register your attendance, view the current Sunday bulletin, view upcoming events, give to the church, contact information for the pastors, learn how to be a new member and more.