Ann starts off with the story of her new Roomba, and its penchant for attacking things throughout the house (and the terrific name that Max gave it). She then digs…


July 29, 2018
To tell us the story of Lydia, one of the first believers baptized in the Christian church, Ann takes us back in time (with sound effects and everything!) to see…


July 22, 2018
Ann tells the story of how Moses called water from the rock with his staff, and reminds us that God will take anything to reveal himself to us, and then…


July 8, 2018
Often we don't feel up to the task, but Ann reminds us that the Holy Spirit isn't bothered one bit by where we are. She goes through the Bible to…
To tell the story of how Jesus gives us a light burden as we follow him, Ann tells the story of Mike and Julie, who lost their way in figuring…
On Mother's Day, Ann returns to the blessing of Aaron, and what it means to actually give a blessing to someone. She ends up venturing out into the congregation to…


April 1, 2018
As we celebrate Easter, Ann talks about the devastation of Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, and how often we find ourselves looking in the wrong direction. Plus, now that…