Day 324


But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold.

– Psalm 106:13 (NIV)

Israel forgot all the Lord had done for them and created their own paths, instead of waiting on God’s counsel. It was God’s continual grievance with Israel. How are you doing in these areas? Take some time to remember the ways God has been faithful to you in the past. In what areas do you need to wait on Him now? Wait on Him. No matter how long it takes.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in the past (family, job, home, answered prayers, etc). I surrender my anxiousness about…………….. Forgive me for trying to make my own way. Help me wait on You and Your timing. I trust You and I love You.

Petition: For us to spend time recounting God’s faithfulness in the past. That we will exercise patience and wait on the Lord’s timing to unfold the future of His church.