Day 2

Scripture: Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. James 3:13

The testimony of our faith is in our actions not in our words. Meekness is defined as quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on. Ask yourself, “Is my conduct with others gentle and easily imposed upon? Or is it harsh and defensive? Am I growing in wisdom and understanding or locked in my pride and having my way?” Ask the Lord to give insight into areas He wants to grow in you so you may better hear His voice.

Prayer: Lord, I long to be wise and understanding according to Your will for me. I confess my pride and defensiveness with You and with others. Please give me Your wisdom and perspective that I may see myself as You see me. Grant me insight into the things You want to change in me. Help me hear Your voice so I may discern Your will for me and for Your church.